Organization admin dashboard

How do I access data, reporting and analytics? 

If you have a Giki Zero Pro account and are an organization admin you can access your Organization Admin Dashboard from your organization's Giki Zero account. Read more below or watch THIS video to see it in action.

You can navigate by either clicking on 'Leaderboard' tab (as shown below) or by clicking your 'Avatar' button on the top right and selecting your organization.  

You can then access your admin dashboard by scrolling to the bottom of the page and selecting the button for 'Organization Admin Dashboard'.  From here you can customise your account, manage teams and members, set up campaigns/ challenges and download data.


To download reports, click on the 'reports' tab within your Organizational Admin Dashboard.

Within this section you will be able to see the headline stats and a selection of graphs showing your organisation's progress over different time periods. The reports can be found towards the bottom of this page & to download a specific report, click the arrow to the right of it. This report will then be emailed to you in a csv file. Click on the link within the email to view the report. N.B. You will need to be logged into your Giki account in order to access the report.

If you have any further questions please contact your Impact Director or send us an email.

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