Setting up a public link

As a Giki Zero Pro admin you can create a public link to allow users to directly join/request to join your organization account. Here's how to do it:

1) Go to your Organization Admin Dashboard and choose "Settings"

2) Switch 'Public Organization Sign Up' to "On".

3) Enter a 'Public ID' for your organization.  This is the unique identifier for the link to your organisation account e.g. name of your organization, and should not contain any spaces or special characters.

4) You also have the option to change the welcome message from the standard to a personalised message for your Organization by entering into the 'Public Greeting' box below.  Watch this video to see how. If you leave this blank the standard message will appear as below: 

5) Click "Save Changes" and the your unique, public organization link will appear. You can now easily copy and share this.  

6) If you do not require verification of people who join your pro organization, then you can leave 'requires verification' setting at "Off".  Copy the link and share via e-mail, social media etc and individuals who follow the link will be directly added to your pro organization.

7) If you require verification of people joining your pro organization you can do this as follows: Switch 'requires verification' to "On" and click "Save Changes".

8) There is also the option to add a verification question and to do this, switch 'Verification Question' to "On", enter your verification question and click "Save Changes"

9) Now when people follow your organisation public link, a request to join your organisation will be submitted.  You will be able to view requests to join, in your Organization Admin Dashboard.  If you set a verification question, you will see an answer to your question appear below the pending request.

Finding your Public Link 

As a Giki Zero Pro admin you can access your public link at any time.  This link allows users to directly join/request to join your organization account. Here's how to do it:

1) Go to your Organization Admin Dashboard and choose "Settings"

2) Scroll down until you see the image below, click on the copy button and you are good to paste the link!

As always reach out via email or to your Impact Director if you have any questions.  

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