How to add other “Admins” in Pro

For Giki Zero Pro, there are two levels of admin. We call our admins Chief Greenies:

  • Organization admins – can create teams, access each team, download information, invite people to the organization and invite people to teams.
  • Team admins – they can invite people to their team.

If you have a Giki Zero Pro account, and are an Organization admin, you can make other members admins once they have joined:

  1. Go to your organization admin dashboard.
  2. Go to the members section
  3. Select the name of the person you wish to make admin and click on the pencil at the top to edit them. Select admin and then update.

If you wish to create admins at team level, ensure that you are on the relevant team admin page, which you can access by clicking on the relevant team on your Organization admin page, then follow steps 2 and 3 above.

If you need any help with this please get in touch with your Impact Director.

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