
What are Steps? 

Steps are everyday actions that you can take to reduce your environmental impact. They are rated on ease and impact.  You can pick the steps that work for your budget, the time you have and the areas that you’re currently most interested in. Try starting out with a small step to get started.

The Steps Page 

On the 'Find Steps' page you can find suggested and popular steps across Giki Zero. You can also search for steps within a section of your footprint such as Home, Transport or Food.

In each section the "% of your footprint" box shows how much that section is compared to your overall footprint. This can be a good guide to help you look for steps in the area of your life with the largest footprint. 

Choose a Step 

By taking steps you can boost your Giki score. You can find step ideas on the Progress page and on the Steps page. This quick video shows you how to choose a step.

  • Select 'try this step' to give a new step a go
  • Select 'I do this' if you already do this in your life now
  • Select 'not for me' if this step is not relevant to your situation. See below how to restore these at a later date if circumstances change. 

Restore a Step 

If you have stated that a step is 'Not for me', so the step is no longer showing on your Steps page, you can find it again by:

  1. Go to your Steps page
  2. Under suggested steps, click ‘view all’
  3. This will take you to a page which lists all steps
  4. Deselect ‘suggested’ (click on it) and then select the lifestyle section your step is in
  5. Scroll down to find the step you are looking for

Sharing Steps 

You can share any of the Giki steps. People can view the step information without having an account.  

  • Go to your Steps page
  • Click onto the step you wish to share
  • Scroll to the bottom to find the 'spread the word' box

You can either share directly into social media channels, WhatsApp or email. Alternatively, you can copy the link and embed this wherever you wish to share it. Sharing into an internal chat function works really well to encourage others to join you on this step.

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