About Giki

About Giki 

Giki stands for Get Informed Know your Impact and was set up for one simple reason. 

We are facing a climate and environmental emergency and many people want to do the right thing, but are not sure what “right” is. Almost no one wants climate change, endangered wildlife or plastic pollution, but the reality is that it’s a consequence of the lives that many of us lead in the world today.

We believe that if everyone can build their own personal plan for what they can do to protect their world, then we can all play a crucial role to preserve the environment on which we all depend. Giki provides easy to use, evidence based tools that allow everyone to make the decisions which are right for them, their lifestyle and their budget. 

Giki Zero is a step by step guide to a lighter footprint on the planet which helps people understand, track and reduce their carbon footprint with personalised steps to help you plan out your path to Net Zero.

Giki Zero Pro is for organisations who want to bring employees or communities together to think and cut their carbon together through collective achievements, healthy competition, live events and a programme of support.  

The Giki Team 

Find out more about the team at Giki here.

Giki Mission

Giki is a B-Corp and a Social Enterprise, whose mission is to help people live more sustainably. We believe in providing people with evidence backed information to help them make the sustainable decisions which are right for them.

You can find out about Giki here.

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