The Giki Score

The Giki Score 

Your Giki score is intended to give you a single way to track your progress towards a sustainable life. It’s calculated by taking into account your overall carbon footprint, new steps that you are trying, steps that you’ve successfully taken and the amount of information you’ve enter into Giki Zero. Your carbon footprint is the most important contributor to the score. Aim for a score of 1,000 to be a planet saver leading a sustainable life.


The Leaderboards are to help encourage some sustainable and healthy competition.

If you're a member of Giki Zero Pro you can find your leader board in your Organisations Pro area. There are leaderboards for both individuals and for teams.

The higher the score the better, over 500 is better than most, and over 1,000 shows you're a true planet saver.

If you are an organisation and you would like to see a demo of the leaderboards then please complete contact us or email us directly at 

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