Giki Zero Account

What is Giki Zero? 

Giki Zero helps you understand your personal footprint which is an important first step in discovering ways to reduce it. It does this by guiding you through a series of easy to understand questions that will estimate the overall impact that you have and where you can provide as little, or as much, information as you want.

You will then be able to see your environmental footprint and understand how your home, transport, food, purchases and services all contribute.

With better information about your footprint you can then choose the steps which suit your lifestyle and budget, to help reduce your impact over time. Decide on the steps you want to take, rated on impact and ease, and Giki Zero will help you turn those commitments into climate positive changes.

How to set up your Giki Zero account 

1. To create your account click on the 'Sign Up for Free' button at

2. Enter your email address and choose a password.

3. You will then have a few simple and straight forward questions to answer that will provide you with an estimated carbon footprint to begin with. These include the ability to select your location and lifestyle questions e.g. do you drive a car, what type of home do you live in etc.

4. Once you have completed these questions a page will appear that shows your estimated carbon footprint. From here you can choose to select 'what's next?' to select steps to cut carbon. Please note that the initial questions you answer will give you an estimate of your footprint, however you can personalise much further on your footprints page.

Getting started with Giki Zero

  1. On the Home page you can learn more about your footprint and keep track of all the steps you’re taking. You can also find your Giki Score on the Home page. The score is based on your footprint and the steps you commit to and complete. The higher the better.

2. On the 'Find Steps' page, this is where you can take action. Choose from over 170 steps to lighten your footprint. There are steps for every lifestyle and budget and they are split out into key lifestyle areas of 'home', 'food', 'transport', 'purchases' and 'services'. You can also filter on big impact, or quick wins, to find steps that are right for you.

3. On the 'Footprint' page you can learn about your personal carbon footprint across different parts of your lifestyle. The more information you input, the more personalised and relevant it is to you. You can include specific data, for example, electricity or gas usage, the model of car you drive, or items of food you eat. Alternatively, you can include estimates, for example your size of home, type of car or type of diet. It is designed to enable you to input as much, or as little information as you like.

You can also learn how your footprint has changed over time by clicking on the 'insights' tab. This page will also give you a detailed breakdown of your carbon footprint as well as further insights into the steps you have taken to reduce this.

4. Clicking on the Avatar button at the top right of your account will show any teams that you are part of. You can also access your personal settings here.

Check out this video of 'How to join Giki Zero' for more guidance & tips on how to get started.

How often should I use Giki Zero? 

Moving to a more sustainable life takes time. We think it’s best to check in every month as a minimum just to have a look at the steps you’re taking, see whether there are any new ones you are ready with and to see how your Giki score is doing. There’s no need to check in every day – this is a marathon not a sprint!

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