List of climate change books

Here's a list of climate change books. These lists are provided to help you grow your knowledge about climate change. 

Non-fiction Books
The Future We Choose, Christiana Figueres and Tom Rivett-Carnac
Zero Waste Home, Bea Johnson
How Did We Get Into This Mess? George Monbiot
How to Save the World for Free, Natalie Fee
Hope in Hell, Jonathan Porritt

The Uninhabitable Earth, David Foster Wallace

Fiction Books
The Overstory - Richard Powers
The Wall - John Lancaster
About this list
The criteria for inclusion: someone on the Giki team has recommended the book!

The lists are constantly growing and you can suggest ideas by emailing us.

Please note Giki does not have an affiliate relationship (that means a relationship where we are paid money to include them on the list) with any company or product so we can provide independent, unbiased advice.

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